A country is as strong as the feelings of Patriotism in its Citizens heart. When patriotism is supported by courage, then it become an action. This action was shown in India during 1857, and is known as the First War of Indian Independence. This war against brutality was crushed by British Christian, with help of few Indians. It is said that approx 40,000 British Christians ruled our country. The population of our country during pre - Independence was approx 35 Crore. Obviously there were many Indian’s who supported British Christians for ruling our country. So basically we can say there was two group in the Society, one which was against the British Christian rule ( patriotic group ) and another who were supporting British Christian for their individual benefit ( The Gaddars ).
There were many revolutionists, who were fighting for Independence of our country. They were either shot dead / hanged by British Christians with the help of their Indian followers ( Gaddars ) or they were imprisoned and there property was attached by British government. The cost they pay for their patriotism was either with life, imprisonment or their property. Most of the young students who left their collage studies in between to fight for the Independence, paid their bright future as the cost of patriotism.
The other groups which were supporting British Christian to loot our country were enjoying their life as bureaucrats and police officers. There main job was to put all patriotic people behind the bars or to shoot them in encounters.
Have we ever thought how we rewarded or punished our Freedom Fighters?
The reality of the country is that all those bureaucrats and police officers were promoted after Independence and were given more responsible post to handle our country. The people who were lacking patriotism were ruling this country again. They never treated this country as their own country before Independence nor after. Once the Britishers left the country, these groups thought themselves as new ruler of India and this mentality gave birth to bribe culture in India. The police officer’s who were torturing our freedom fighter’s before independence, were now promoted to handle Police Stations. These Gaddars were now responsible for accepting complains from our citizens, thus complains were being registered after taking bribe.
Just opposite to this, our patriotic freedom fighters, had to fight case being in Jail and had to prove themselves that they were freedom fighters. Once they came out of prison, they did not have their property, they were not having any job, their family was dieing for food. It took 25 years for India to recognize their efforts and in year 1972 on eve of 25th Independence day, FREEDOM FIGHTER Pension Scheme was launched by Mrs India Gandhi which was regularized in year 1980.
The another surprise was the behavior of Nehru’s congress government with Patriotic soldiers of Indian National Army ( AZAD HIND FAUZ ). With an agreement with Mountbatten, the then Governor General of India, Nehru agreed that none of the Soldiers of INA will be inducted in Indian Army. This was the honor ( dishonor ) shown by Mr. Nehru to the patriotic soldiers who even sacrificed their life for this country.
The act of the biggest Political party which so called fought for the Independence of our country and it’s leaders, was an act of murder of patriotism.